AEPR: Talent???

In a few short weeks, I will be a published author! I recently co-wrote an article with my former professor at NEC, Dr. Larry Scripp, and with my classmate Devin Ulibarri. The three of us wrote Thinking Beyond the Myths and Misconceptions of Talent: Creating Music Education Policy that Advances Music’s Essential Contribution to 21st Century Teaching and Learning. The article is set to be published in the Arts Education Policy Review in their next issue.

​In the article, we the authors look at some important trends in music education policy. Specifically, we ask: why isn't music a core subject in our schools? It should be. New evidence in the past ten years of research correlates musical training with higher test scores in mathematics AND language. In an era of increasing standardized tests, music builds extramusical skills due to shared fundamental concepts between and among disciplines.

​Still, in our modern age, we believe that music is a subject that should only be learned by those with "natural ability" or "talent" for music. In the paper, we the authors humbly state that this sentiment is baloney, and cannot constitute the basis of education policy in America.